ODEALIM includes Assurcopro, Assurgérance, Bac, Brun, Bâti-Assure, CGR, Courtage de France, Fidentialp, Insor, Interassurances, JBL Courtage, JBSA, Pisano, Ripert de Grissac.
Bringing these different firms together under a single brand and identity has enabled us to consolidate our positioning and assert our expertise as a specialist broker in real estate and construction insurance.
Each firm is a specialist in its field, enabling it to offer the full range of solutions available to real estate and construction professionals, both for their own activities and for their customers.
In property insurance (multi-risk building, legal protection, structural damage), depending on the product and the company, firms work on a partial or total delegation basis for underwriting and claims management.
In rental management, and more specifically for unpaid rent solutions, the entire underwriting and litigation chain is managed by Odealim teams.
55 000
co-ownerships insured
225 000
GLI lots
2 200
jobsites insured per year
50 000
P&C claims handled